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Forms and Templates


Below you will find a selection of the Madrasah's useful forms and templates, including abscene and holiday forms.


You can open the documents below in PDF format by downloading the free Adobe PDF reader from Adobe.


Absence Form - used to notify the madrasah of any child absences, or planned holiday requests


Change of Personal Details - this form is used to notify the madrasah of any changes to your child's personal details, such as home address. It is vital that the madrsah records be kept up to date and for this reason we request any parent/guardian to ensure that the madrasah is notified immediately of any changes.


Suggestion/Complaint Form - If for any reason you wish to make a formal complaint, you can do so by filling in this form. The madrasah treats all complaints seriously. If however you wish to discuss concerns about your child's education or would like to discuss your child's general progress, please contact the madrasah directly using the information found on the contact page.


Medical Form - It is vital that the madrasah are made aware of any medical conditions your child may suffer from and medication they may require whilst at the madrash; please use this form to inform the madrasah of any change in medical conditions and alternate emergency contacts.




