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News Archive - March 2014



Madrasah Uniform

Posted Sunday 30th March 2014 at 16:00

As you are aware, Madrasah Zeenatul Islam is continuously looking at raising standards and improving what it provides to your child regarding their Islamic and religious needs. As an Islamic establishment that teaches and promotes all aspects of Islamic life, the Madrasah also aims to teach and instruct pupils about appearance and clothing according to the Islamic faith.


With regards to this, we would like to bring your attention to a new dress code (uniform policy) that will take effect in the New Madrasah Year (Shawwaal 1435/ August 2014).


Please go to the Policies page for more information.



Madrasah Year 2014/2015 Application Forms

Posted Thursday 6th March 2014 at 14:00

Madrasah application forms for the New Year starting on 12th August 2014 (after Ramadhan 1435) will be available from 1st April 2014. The forms can be obtained from the Madrasah Office at 5:00pm or 7:00pm Monday to Friday.


Application Forms shall only be given to parents of children who wish to apply to the Madrasah. Please return all completed forms to the Madrasah office ONLY by 9th May 2014.



